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The King Is In The Field!

Solomon Ikhuiwu

In case you haven't heard, the Tim Hortons Field stadium has been booked for July 1st, 2023, for a stadium gathering called "God Heal Our Land." This is a gathering that has been long overdue. The exciting part about this stadium gathering is that King Jesus will be in the field, healing our land and the people in it. I've often said that the fringe of the garment of Jesus is touching Canada. We must prepare ourselves for this God visitation we are about to experience.

The analogy of the king who can now be found "in the field" conveys the essence of the basic human need for an interface with the Divine, which finds so much expression during the month of Elul on the Hebrew Calendar. My favorite thing about the month of Elul is that it is known as the month the king is in the field. In the Bible, the king would leave his palace during the month of Elul and set up camp in the field, and everyone was welcome to approach him.

Our King Jesus is inviting thousands to meet Him at the field on July 1st. This stadium gathering is one you do not want to miss.

It is a joy to address the current state of stirring of the Holy Spirit that is upon Canada right now. So many saints have been praying and fasting; the gospel is spreading, and we sense we're about to see a revival like we've never seen before. Many in our camp have had dreams and visions about the Tim Hortons Field packed with people in desperate need of a touch from the Lord. Don't miss this opportunity; seize it. Not only has God been speaking stadiums over Canada, but He has also highlighted our nation to be a key player in this end-time billion-soul harvest. God Heal Our Land at Tim Hortons Field stadium is a cross-denominational "2 Chronicles 7:14" gathering where believers can meet Jesus and be forever changed.

We also want to let you know that tickets are now available at You can get tickets at any price above $1 as a gift offering. Also, any donations above $100 made here: will receive a tax receipt!

Also, a big thank you to everyone who has shared this event! We're already seeing fruits in the process as we connect with many churches and people to bring unity and healing to our nation! We still have a lot more praying to do, we still have a big financial need; consider partnering with us. God bless you.


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